Friday, October 26, 2012

What is This? {Rachel}

I know I'm not the only one who has been questioning the master on his choice of weather lately. I mean I was kinda praying for fall weather this last week, but I wanted Fall, not Winter! I like fall because I love to wear boots, scarfs, cute jackets and other fall clothing. I also love the "crispy" air and the hole feeling of Fall time. The other plus is that it's not too hot, but not too cold! Spring and Fall are by far my favorites. (But if you asked me what my favorite season is, in any other season, my answer would be totally different.)

I change my mind about these things all the time, it just depends on what kind of a mood I'm in, I guess. I really didn't think we where going to get snow the week before Halloween, but in fall (mostly in Utah) anything goes. As in any other time of year, the weather changes every 5 minutes here!

This picture was taken when I was just chillin in my sweats (a moment when I liked the weather, for that specific reason). And if you can't tell it is snowing it really is.(I know you can't see it at all, but I'm not lying! And it wasn't really that dark, I photo shopped it up for special affect)

What a great Fall/Winter week!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Weekend Job {Rachel}

  Last Wednesday my mom told me that Aunt Melissa needed my help at a show. {She has a business, and she needed me to help her sell stuff. I know I have talked about her stuff before. Click HERE to see her website.} I decided to skip school on Friday and go work for her at Thanksgiving Point, as well as Saturday. I had lots of fun with Makayla, and Aunt Melissa!

At the show there was booths that had caramels, chocolate from England, chevron striped warping paper, homemade soap, adorable jewelry and lots more cute things! Two of my most very favorite things where: {There is links to both of them}
1. The Little Red Hen caramels {Mostly the pretzel flavor}
2. Ascot Royale Chocolates {Mostly the Honey Come flavor}
Our booth was next to the Little Red Hen gals, and I may have had 1 or 2 free samples, ok mabey 6 or 7. But really, you should order the free samples, they are the best things of my life! {Isn't it funny how I loved the booths that had treats at them!}

While our booth wasn's too busy we went up to the Emporium {A gift shop at Thanksgiving Point} and we found a "pick your color" M&M machine. There was TONS of colors of M&M's I had lots of fun choosing my assortment! While we where there Makayla tried on a funny looking hat, and we also played in the old fashioned glasses! I couldn't stop laughing long enough for the picture!

The bottom right is the booth I spent almost 20 hours at!

I had lots of fun playing/goofing off with Makayla and I hope I can do it again! 
Thanks for a great weekend!


Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall Break {Rachel}

Fall Break.... where do I begin? The first day and a half of Fall Break was pretty uneventful. On Thursday I just hung out with friends and had a grand ol' time. We where planning on going to Richfield on Friday... but because of the weather we decided against it. But at about 8:00 on Friday night my cousins came! They live in Parawan so I don't get to see them very often it was good to have them stay with us for a while!

All 4 of (this family of cousins) my cousins are girls, and some of the most girly girls I know! I had a good time playing with the baby too! But as you can see (look at the middle picture on the bottom) I had a great time with Laney! I love all of those cute girls!

The reason my cousins came is because 2 of my (other) cousins where getting baptized on Saturday. One cousin lives up by Thanksgiving Point, and the other in Riverton. So at 9:00 we went to Halle's, and at 10:00 we went to Heath's. After whe had a crape bar at Heath's house. My oldest cousin (who is 17) got to baptize Heath, who is his little brother. I thought that was so cool that he could/would do that!

After we ate we just hung around... and because my cousin who is closest to me in age (14) went to the BYU game I hung around some of my littler cousins. (see bottom left picture)

After playing with my little baptism buddies I went on a little excursion to Scheels (the giant sports store)! If you haven't been there... you totally should. Especially if you are a sporty person. This is how I would explain it: the biggest Cabelas and Sports Athorty you can find, combined. It is so huge that it has a ferris  wheel, and has any and every sporting thing you would need. They have anything from flavored mouth guards to a 35,000 dollar gun to ferris wheel rides! (I really wanted to ride the ferris wheel, but the line was forever long!) It was crazy! PS you can also get your picture taken by a bear, cougar, and elk!

Do ya see those super cute sweat shirts? I think there is a high possibility I could be betting one of those babies for Christmas! They are so stinkin' cute (and I love under armor)!

That was pretty much the hole run down on Fall Break. Happy Monday!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Good ol' days {Rachel}

  If you haven't yet met my dad... you wouldn't know this but if you have this should be pretty apparent. He is really sarcastic and will tease you lots! The other night he was reading Kate a Littlest Pet Shop book, about best friends. He decided that the real words in the book where too boring so he jazzed it up a little using his own voice (using his own personality). He started to make up words and oh boy, they where pretty stinkin' hilarious. Some of them where:
    There was a dog with a huge head and a little cat on a teeter totter.
 Dog: Geez! How come I can't go as high as you!
Cat: This is so fun! I am going so high!
    Another one was a Yorkie (dog) with lots of hair and a Siamese cat with super short/not any hair at all.
Cat: Uggg, I can't even brush my hair why did you give me the brush?!
Yorkie: (has a mirror in hand) Why do you get the brush? You don't even have any hair!
 Ok, mabey they wasn't as funny to you as it was to me. But, it was one of those things where you had to be there to see it. Here are some pictures of us laughing our heads off:

The one of Reed ins my favorite!
 I love those good ol' days when you can't help but laugh.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Celebrate 6 Months {Rachel}

Every 6 months my religion has what we call General Conference. This is where all of the church members tune in/listen to all our general authorities speak and give advice/revaluation. This is a 2 day affair with 4 sessions (2 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday). At the first session on Saturday President Monson announced that our missionaries can go out onto the field at a younger age! Elders and the age of 18 and Sisters at the age of 19! That is super exiting! That means I can go on a mission, go to collage, and get married/have a family before I am 25/24 ish! I was talking to my mom about this interesting change and she brought up that the church will be getting a different type of sister missionary, not the "Oh, I guess I have nothing else to do so I might as well serve a mission" but the "Oh, I really have time for this and it will be a great experience for me" kind of sisters.

Where I was going with this is... for 2 days straight my family (and I) hang our on the couch/in the basement! During this time my mom and I scrapbook so we can keep up with all the pictures we take. This conference she wanted to get though all of 2010 (Ya, we are that far behind...) so she asked me to do mine and Kate's books. I had lots of fun working with her and I also sewed my new pointe shoes!

This is the party on Saturday.

And this is the party on Sunday, with our traditional conference breakfast feast!

My newly sewn pointe shoes!
I love the traditions onf confrence every 6 months!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tis' the Season {Rachel}

  Tis' the season of Football! Yay! this is the first year Reed is able to play flag foot ball! He loves it and has made two 98 yard touch downs! He is a freaking speed demon! One day I asked him, "Reed, what is your favorite sport?". For a while he gave me a blank stare then replyed, "What kind of question is that?". Then I rememberd, "Oh, ya what ever sport is in season!".

Go Payson Packers!
I love ya buddy! Good luck!