Friday, November 2, 2012

Speaking of Random...(Jessica)

Don't scream. I know it's been like 390 posts with just Rachel posting, but HEY I've been very busy. So much so, imma 'bout to give you a run down of my day.
5:45: ish I wake up. In my defense, it takes me a while to get out of bed.
7:25: I better be out the door.
7:57: Late bell for 1st period rings.
And then you know we have all of the other periods, blah, blah, BLAH. No one cares.
When I get home it's usually to the fridge, piano, or friends house.
5:30: ish dinner
Then I finish up the homework I have and go to bed at 9:00 ish. I try to go to bed at around 8:30, because let me tell you something. I have been tired. No joke.
Anyways, I will get some pictures posted of pumpkin picking, Aunt Melanie's house and Halloween.
But for the preview:

Jolene and I as cowgirls and Emily as a princess.

At the pumpkin patch.


Yesterday, I was  threatened to have my face broken (not in school) , a while ago had my thumb slammed in a locker, had 2 pencils thrown at me, got called the "B" word, was paired with kid everyone hates (the rudest and cocky person in Science), and to top it off, was told that I held hands with a kid in school. Yeesh. That is about all I can handle.
All is well in the halls of Junior High. Kinda. :) Don't worry, I'll try harder to keep you posted.
Love, Jessica

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