Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Trim the Tree {Rachel}

Sunday night was the night we put up all our Christmas decor and our tree! I love the way it lights up the hole room when you turn on the lights for the first time! Two years ago we got a new {fake} tree as well as new ornaments. In the years past we get a real tree that we go chop down our self's, but it was hard because we didn't have a vehicle to bring it home etc. but a fake tree solved all those problem! {And I personally, like it better because it looks full and pretty with no bare spots.}

 Of course Kate had to put on the 'star' on top! {or in our case the little pokey thing with a bow at the bottom!} Can you guess what ornament is my favorite?
My family and I all had a fun time 'trimming the tree' that night!

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