Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Get it together Grandma {Jessica}

I got an e-mail from my grandma today. It went something like this:

Jessica...Someone gave grandpa some tickets to a concert by these kids but since he didn't know them or what they were like, he gave them away. Do you know them?  -Grandma
Am I that gullible?

Thanks for ruining my day Grandma. Thanks.
Love,  Jessica

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Spring vs Snow {Rachel}

The other morning when I woke up and I was planning on wearing flats to school, only then did my mom said, "Rach, you might want to look outside." I did and I saw 4 new inches of new snow and it was still falling... HEAVY. I was pretty disappointed when I pulled on my boots and scarf. Today it has been even worse. The snow has stopped (for now) but I started going through all the pictures on my mom's phone and saw baseball pictures, our trip to Lake Powell and Zions, going to to pool and lots of sunshine. Then I diagnosed myself with a bad case of spring fever.

I would kill for a warm day just hanging out at the ball park watching my little bro pursue his dreams with a cold 7up in my hands. I really do love spring, and it better get here fast! Spring is my favorite season, there is a lot of good things that come when spring does... baseball, my birthday, time to pull out the skirts and capris, sunshine and green grass, and a happy girl!

Don't get me wrong, there is and always will be a place in my heart for winter. But it has been winter long enough. Let's all agree, it's time for the sun to get crackin' and warm this place up!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cruising Along {Rachel}

Last Saturday at about 5am my parents left to the airport... then to another airport... then finally to Puerto Rico where they boarded a cruise ship and partied in the Caribbean for 10 days! This year in May will be their 20 year anniversary so they decided  they had to celebrate! They left us 3 stooges back home in the snow and cold for a little vacation of their own. I honestly think they deserved it... but I really do hope they take me next time! :)

So, what do you do when you leave your 3 kids home for 10 days? We have a little party with the greatest aunt, uncle and cousins ever! My aunt Di, uncle Matt and their 2 little girls spent 6 days at our house watching us. Not only did they watch us but they where our taxi driver, chef, cleaning lady, and mom and dad. I am really glad they could come!

 Ok, maybe we had a little too much fun!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Job Shadow Time (Jessica)

This Friday, all the 7th graders were supposed to go and "Job Shadow" someone to see what it's like to have a real job and experience what they do. You could have done a parent, Elementary school teacher, or a neighbor. I had the opportunity to go back to 6th grade to job shadow my 6th grade teacher. I graded tests, gave them a spelling test, put in grades, etc. It so made me want to skip 7th grade for forever and go back to 6th grade. I love it there! A bunch of kids from our school last year were there so it was like a giant reunion! Plus, my little brother Joseph is in that class, so I got to be the embarrassing sister. :) I made so many memories in 6th grade last year, and had the BEST TEACHER EVER! :) It was so fun to go back and see what I have been missing out on.
Love, a wanna be 6th grader (again), Jessica