The other morning when I woke up and I was planning on wearing flats to school, only then did my mom said, "Rach, you might want to look outside." I did and I saw 4 new inches of new snow and it was still falling... HEAVY. I was pretty disappointed when I pulled on my boots and scarf. Today it has been even worse. The snow has stopped (for now) but I started going through all the pictures on my mom's phone and saw baseball pictures, our trip to Lake Powell and Zions, going to to pool and lots of sunshine. Then I diagnosed myself with a bad case of
spring fever.
I would kill for a warm day just hanging out at the ball park watching my little bro pursue his dreams with a cold 7up in my hands. I really do love spring, and it better get here fast! Spring is my favorite season, there is a lot of good things that come when spring does... baseball, my birthday, time to pull out the skirts and capris, sunshine and green grass, and a happy girl!
Don't get me wrong, there is and always will be a place in my heart for winter. But it has been winter long enough. Let's all agree, it's time for the sun to get crackin' and warm this place up!