Sunday, February 3, 2013

Job Shadow Time (Jessica)

This Friday, all the 7th graders were supposed to go and "Job Shadow" someone to see what it's like to have a real job and experience what they do. You could have done a parent, Elementary school teacher, or a neighbor. I had the opportunity to go back to 6th grade to job shadow my 6th grade teacher. I graded tests, gave them a spelling test, put in grades, etc. It so made me want to skip 7th grade for forever and go back to 6th grade. I love it there! A bunch of kids from our school last year were there so it was like a giant reunion! Plus, my little brother Joseph is in that class, so I got to be the embarrassing sister. :) I made so many memories in 6th grade last year, and had the BEST TEACHER EVER! :) It was so fun to go back and see what I have been missing out on.
Love, a wanna be 6th grader (again), Jessica

1 comment:

  1. Jessica, you are just THE best. I miss you SO much! I'm glad you were able to come hang out for the day. At least I get one Baxter in my class this year!
