Sunday, September 30, 2012

Done and Done. (Jessica)

For any of you who don't know who Allie Condie is, boo you. I just got done reading this book, at I strongly recommend it. (You have to read the first one first, it's called Matched.) It's sort of, kind of, like the hunger games. Only, not as bloody and gross. At all. I love it!

Rachel explained our weekend together perfectly. I have pictures, but she got all of the important stuff. :)
I recently browsed on Pinterest, and to my (& my Mom's) delight, I found this.
I only laughed really hard for about an hour. :)


I should probably explain the pictures above. Thanks to Jolene's amazing sister Damaris, I was able to have really cute hair for Young Women's. When I got home I added the bow. This is what she did it with.

You can find these at Walmart, they aren't too expensive and certainly make super cute curls/waves!!

With nothing but a boring life,



  1. Rachel, your hair looks blond in the picture! (Your hair is cute though)
