Monday, September 17, 2012

P.S. She Plays Tennis! {Rachel}

  I thought I should mention that Jessica plays tennis! I don't know why either of us hasn't mentioned that before but... I think it is pretty cool. And honestly I wish I could play! Our other friend Jolene wanted to join the team at school, and soon persuaded Jessica to join the party as well. I was super happy when they both told me that they where going to do an after school activity, because in my group of friends I was the only one that did something out side of school. Now I'm not the only one that gets left out of great laughs, and good times! {Oh, we still have LOTS of good times together, don't worry!}
  One Friday Emily and I decided that we where going to walk over to the school and pick them up from practice as a surprise! It was so cool to see what they do at practice, and how hard they play! I mean, those girls where dripping sweat, and having a great time! I thought I would contribute this to Jessica and Jolene...

Ha ha, suckers!

   Girls keep on tennising! Love ya lots!

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