Monday, August 20, 2012

Holy. Crap. {Jessica}

Can I just say the following without being judged completely? Summer is over, school starts tomorrow, it's almost time to go to J high for orientation,  I WANT TO GO BACK TO 6TH GRADE, there are going to be so many kids there, I have to have 3 binders for all my assignments, and I really want to just go back to 6th grade and call it good.

I am trying to tell myself that I just need to go to get it over with, but, you know. I am scrambling to get everything ready AND having 3 binders is kind of alot. Don't you think? I went to "Back to school night" with my brother and sister, and I am so going to miss that place. They even have new t-shirts this year. Ugh.

Anyways...wish me luck. Hopefully I won't get trampled, stuck in a locker, stuck in a trash can, get lost, hate my teachers, or worst of all, DIE!
Love, Jessica
P.S. I am so going to post a picture of what I'm going to wear, my nails and hair! (That's kind of the only exciting part. :)

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