Friday, August 3, 2012

Only a Dad... {Rachel}

  Yesterday my cousins came to stay the night and just party with Reed. {One is 10 and the other is 5.} My mom agreed to take them + 2 of Reed's friends and Kate to the pool. I didn't feel all that good so I decided to stay home with my dad. You know, my mom wouldn't just let this time go to waste so she sent us to the Grocery Store.
  Somewhere along the way I persuaded my dad to buy me this...

  I know most normal people get this stuff on a daily basis. Not at my house, so I was 1 happy girl when my dad agreed! Shortly after we picked up the nutella my dad asked, "Rach, do you want a treat?". I was a little surprised because in my head he just bought me a treat! But I decided I wasn't going to waste this opportunity, and at the moment I was craving chocolate and peanut butter. As a result of my craving I decided upon this:

As you can imaging I am glad that I didn't to go the pool yesterday. :)



  1. Oh man! You know how I feel about those two treats right there! I wish Mr. Rasmussen never let me buy that stuff. I eat Nutella right out of the jar! Embarrassing :)

    1. I thing I just might need to try that! It sounds yummy!
