Monday, July 30, 2012

And so will I. {Jessica}

I have decided to grow out my hairs. I have a perfect picture of what I want it to be like.  

It will be good. 
Next, since Rachel posted a wish list, as will I. I am done with school shopping too, I just need a backpack and some boots. Any suggestions for backpack shopping, let me know! 

Yes. My favorite are the earrings. But do you think I could buy a backpack like the one above and put lace on it? Anyway, off to be a Sevey I go. Whoo hoo. 
Love, Jessica


  1. Jessica,

    I was totally thinking the same thing as you when I saw the picture of the backpack. You could probably even change some of the zippers too & it would be WAY cheaper than trying to find one that's already done. I wish I were there to help! :)

  2. I know! I just need a good backpack for J high. I wish you were here too! Love ya lots!
    Love, Jessica
