Friday, July 13, 2012

What do you do with boredom? {Rachel}

  Because Jessica is out of town I have been doing a lot of nothing. Yes, I really have been doing things like going to dance, doing things for Cousin Camp with my mom, spending {lots of} time watching T.V. {PS have any of you ever seen "Under Cover Boss"? Love that show!}, and other things that just fill time... not my happy/fun meter. I have been busy, but it is more of a bored busy.
  One of the things I have done today that somewhat filled the happy/fun meter is paint my nails! I ordered 3 shades of new nail polish from AVON and I finally got them today! I am exited to see how they hold up... here are the colors:

I payed $12... so I hope it is good.
 And here is how they turned out:
All the nails {sorry for the bad picture.}

And the "accent nail" or my ring finger.

                            A very bored Rachel


  1. Come do my nails! :) I can't believe how talented you and Jessica are at doing nails!

  2. What I can't believe is that I did my nails all by my self! Thanks! I can't wait to see you soon!

