Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy 4th {Rachel}

  Happy 4th of July! This year my family went to Richfield and had a blast! It was so much fun to see all my cousins and party! We left on Tuesday mourning so we could play before the big day... me and my cousin Makayla made plans to sleep out on the tramp that night so we could wake up to the bombs. And yes we did. So did Reed, Hayden {Makayla's little brother}, and my other cousin Zoe.
  After I heard the bombs at 6:00 a.m. I slept for 30 more minutes and then decided that if I was going to make it to the parade at 9:00 I had better get up and moving. So I did. I did my hair, makeup etc. all in time to eat uncle Morgan's delicious french toast.
  The parade was great. The park and all the booth's even better. And hangin with my cousins... the best of all. Here are some pictures from the amazing event.

2 happy buddies. With awesome glasses!

Have you seen this floating around on Pintrest?

This is really what it turned out to look like! It tasted pretty good too! Do ya like the cute girls too?


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